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Local Rules

Local Rules

Local Rules New & Redline August 2024

Procedures and Rules Effective Date PDF General Order Adopting Rule Changes
Local Rules 02/01/2024 view view


Local Rules Archive

Procedures and Rules Prev. Eff. Date PDF General Order Adopting Rule Changes
Local Rules 08/11/2023 view view
Local Rules 08/09/2023 view view
Local Rules 12/01/2022 view view
Local Rules 11/01/2021 view view
Local Rules 9/13/2021 view view
Local Rules 10/20/2017 view view
Local Rules 12/1/2016 view view
Local Rules 4/25/2016 view view
Local Rules 6/1/2015 view view
Local Rules 6/10/2013 view view
Local Rules 4/19/2013 view view
Local Rules 1/20/2010 view view

The Court invites the public to participate in refining the Central District of Illinois Local Rules. Please email a suggestion to the Court’s Local Rules Committee for evaluation. The Local Rules Committee will submit any approved revision or addition through the rule making process, which includes seeking approval from the Court and the Seventh Circuit Judicial Council. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 83(a)(1).